In this video I compare Allosaurus and Rhubarb automatic lip sync in DaVinci Resolve 17. To make the comparison in DaVinci Resolve I wrote a piece of code, for both Rhubarb and Allosaurus, that converts the text file to an xml file which you can then use to import as a timeline in DaVinci Resolve. The imported file then automatically places the mouth images onto the timeline and they are synced to the audio file that you use.
Get Rhubarb here
Get Allosaurus here
Get Rhubarb here
Get Allosaurus here
Link to the Allosaurus Lip Sync video post
and the Rhubarb Lip Sync video post
Download the Allosaurus and Rhubarb files down below. I also provide the mouth images so you know how to name them and which mouth shape you have to use.
Until next time Jackalls, Keep it Digital